Here at Valley, student involvement is vital to the overall college experience. Getting involved through student organizations and campus wide activities gives you the opportunity to enrich your leadership skills, social life and personal growth. With the availability of many unique student organizations, you have the power to impact your fellow classmates in a number of ways. Being a part of a student organization gives you a sense of Viking Pride and if there is an organization you would like to see on campus, we encourage you to start one to showcase your interests!
Clubs & Organizations

Agricultural Club
Agricultural club strives to promote awareness about agriculture to our college and community. Our focus is to provide education and professional opportunities in food, fiber, fuel, and more.
Alpha Chi Honor Society
Alpha Chi is an invitation-only honor society for juniors and seniors of all academic majors who rank in the top 10% of their class. We engage in various co-curricular and professional development activities, and students have opportunities to compete for national scholarships and to present their work at the society’s annual convention each spring.
Chris Libby –
Art Club
Art Club is a student-led organization that is dedicated to supporting and enhancing the visual arts on the MVC campus and in the Marshall community. The club organizes student art exhibitions, participates in fundraisers, and hosts visiting artists on the Missouri Valley campus. The club is open to all majors and all skill levels.
Sara Fletcher –
Biology Club
The Biology Club is open to anyone and everyone attending Valley. We love to dive into anything related to Biology and learn everything we can. As a club, we take a few fun trips such as Shatto Dairy Farms and Budweiser Clydesdales. Each year our projects vary but the goal remains the same: To inform everyone of the importance of Biology and to make our community at Valley a better place. Recently, we have planted a Monarch Butterfly Waystation in order to help sustain and grow their population. The Waystation is just the beginning of many projects to come!
Michele Reinke –
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union fosters a fun and safe environment that engages students in discussing issues that affect campus and the surrounding communities. We hope to educate our members and challenge them to take action, whether internally or externally. We hope to lead by example, push students to be their best, take charge of our future, dismantle the negative stereotypes, build and secure our sense of community, and influence the world.
Bobby Collins –
Bridge Collegiate Ministry
The Bridge Collegiate Ministry is here to bridge students to Christ and to the community. We offer weekly services, meals, small groups, and leadership opportunities. Monthly we have service projects and events. Throughout the year, we offer retreats, missions, and MVC International Community events. Large group worship occurs every Thursday. Gathering of small groups and meals are served every Sunday.
Nick Petrov –
Chess Club
Chess Club is open to all students with every experience level (no experience, beginner, novice, etc.) Chess Club does not compete; the main objective is to foster a love for chess and learning. Unless directed otherwise, we meet on Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm in the Ferguson Formal Lounge. Typical meetings involve playing timed or untimed matches, as well as analyzing the game afterward. We welcome students with all skill levels and love to teach other students how to play.
Debate Team
Missouri Valley College will be starting a competitive debate team for the 2018-2019 school year. Scholarships will be available and will be determined on the basis of hard work, debate experience, commitment, and merit. While our focus will be on NFA-LD (a year-long, policy oriented, 1-on-1 format of debate), students with varied interests in speech, debate, and forensics are encouraged to participate. Click here for more information about the debate team.
David Bowers –
Enactus is a business service learning group that develops projects within the community of Marshall and the surrounding areas to support local businesses, shelters, etc. Our goal is to provide outcomes to better the community through job growth and other opportunities.
Larry Stockman –
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a non-denominational group that focus on building a relationship with Christ through prayer, devotional time, and fellowship. This group is open to all students, athletic or not.
Tom Hayob –
International Club
International Club was developed to provide international students support and guidance in a new environment. Since the creation of the group, we have invited all interested students to join. We host different events each year including a celebration for International Week, a Valentine’s Day mall trip, and bake sales.
Milena Simic –
Islanders Club
Islanders club is opened to any student interested in learning more about the Polynesian and Pacific Coast culture. Our organization choreographs the annual bonfire dance during Homecoming as well as many other dances throughout the community.
Missouri Valley College Historical Society
The Missouri Valley College Historical Society is devoted to fellowship through activities that encourage a deeper understanding of history and an appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of Missouri Valley College and its students.
Tiffany Bergman –
Non Profit Leadership Alliance
The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics) has nearly 70 academic affiliates nationwide. Each of these colleges and universities has a Non-profit Leadership Alliance program that prepares students for non-profit careers and collaborates with the local agencies of our National Non-profit Partners in providing internship and placement opportunities.
Jamie Gold-Naylor –
Pi Gamma Mu
An international Honor Society in Social Sciences, our mission is to encourage and recognize superior scholarship in social science disciplines and to foster cooperation and social service among its members. Pi Gamma Mu serves the various social science disciplines which seek to understand and explain human behavior and social relationships as well as their related problems and issues. Currently, there are around 150 active chapters in the United States and overseas.
Tiffany Bergman –
Psychology Club
The Psychology Club is an organization that welcomes anyone interested in the world of psychology. Our goal is to provide students and faculty opportunities for socializing and serving the campus and community. We volunteer regularly at the Westport Retirement Home and host activities on campus, including Pysch Study Night during finals week.
Jennifer Livengood –
Repertory Dance Ensemble
The Repertory Dance Ensemble presents professional quality dance concerts throughout the year. Dancers from all backgrounds and styles are welcome to audition.
Torey Spitzig –
Sigma Tau Delta/Purple Patch
Sigma Tau Delta is an International English Honor society. We provide an annual creative journal called the Purple Patch for the student population to express and share their talents in literature and art.
Claire Schmidt –
Student Government Association (SGA)
SGA is the parent organization to all campus organizations. We give fellow students the ability to have an active role in the growth of Missouri Valley College outside of the classroom.
Terry Russell –
Student Missouri State Teachers Association (S-MSTA)
S-MSTA is an organization of future teachers who engage in projects to help local schools and students.
Terry Wright –
Student Nurses Association (SNA)
The Student Nurses Association is comprised of Nursing Majors. SNA works to provide opportunities for the personal, intellectual, professional, and social growth of its members. Much of this is incorporated into health information and services that are provided to the campus and community. Each Nursing student is encouraged to cultivate leadership skills within SNA and through membership in The National Student Nurses Association.
Tonya Eddy –
Students for Christ (SFC)
This is an organization that discusses a wide range of topics ranging from spirituality to social life. We also provide care packages to students that stay on campus during the holidays.
Nick Petrov –
Greek Life
Why Go Greek? There are a number of reasons why students choose to join a fraternity or sorority. Many students join with the desire to belong to a community and to create a close bond with other students. Others indicate that it is the leadership training and community service opportunities that first attracted them to Greek Life, while still others say it was the academic and networking benefits.
For our Greek students, their chapters and houses have become a “home away from home” when on campus. This 100 year-long tradition has been a key part of many MoVal students’ experiences.
How do I join? At Missouri Valley College, formal recruitment occurs in September? for women and September? for men. During these periods, chapters host organized events that potential new members may attend to learn more about the organization. Fraternities and some sororities have opportunities to join a chapter throughout the year (informal recruitment).
Will joining Greek life hurt my grades? Scholarship is one of the foundations of Greek Life. Every chapter has one officer who is dedicated to the academic achievement of the chapter and its members. This officer is responsible for developing programs to improve members’ academic performance. Each chapter has a program in place to assist members who are not performing to their potential and also to celebrate the achievements of members who are doing well.
Research has shown that members of fraternities and sororities, can have higher GPAs than non-affiliated students. Missouri Valley College is no exception to this trend! For detailed information about our Greek community and academics, contact Diane Yadrich, Director of Student Activities
Will I be hazed? Hazing is against federal, state, and local laws. It is also against Missouri Valley College’s code of conduct, student organization policies as well as the policies of each chapter on campus. Hazing has no place in the activities of fraternity and sororities. Every chapter at Missouri Valley College belongs to a national organization that has taken a strong stance against hazing and neither these organizations nor the College will tolerate it. Every fraternity and sorority member signs an anti-hazing contract stating that they have read and understood the Anti-Hazing Policy and the repercussions that come with violating the policy.
Does it cost a lot? Joining a fraternity or sorority does carry a financial commitment. Each chapter is self-supporting with revenue coming from dues-paying members. When students join a Greek organization, they agree to pay dues and fees while enrolled at Missouri Valley College in order to maintain membership and support the events hosted by their organization. While Greek membership is a manageable expense, and some chapters are able to make accommodations for special circumstances, you should discuss the financial obligations with your parents before you join.
Does being a member of a fraternity/sorority really have benefits after graduation? Definitely! Being a member of a fraternity or sorority is a lifetime commitment. Once you are initiated, you are a member for life. Each organization maintains an extensive alumni network which is extremely beneficial when networking for internships and jobs.
Being a member of a Greek organization gives you a connection to the thousands of successful Greeks in the job market. Additionally, many chapters have alumni groups that operate in many cities throughout the country. Becoming an active member of such an organization after graduation will supply you with more connections for job networking…and give you the opportunity to build even more lasting friendships!
National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Chapters
Theta Phi Alpha
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The Missouri Valley College Beta Chi Chapter was founded on May 15, 1993.
The vision of of Theta Phi Alpha is to develop women of Character, Compassion, Creativity, and Confidence.
The mission of Theta Phi Alpha is to create close comradeship, to advance education, social and philanthropic interests and leadership training; to encourage spiritual development and adherence to the highest moral standards; and to promote lifelong bonds of friendship.
Official colors are silver, gold and blue.
Open Motto
Ever Loyal, Ever Lasting.
“Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.” -Saint Catherine of Siena
Official Mascot
- Glenmary Home Missioners
- The House That Theta Phi Alpha Built
Volunteer Opportunities
- Run for Reagan – Reagan Alzheimer’s Association
- Operation Penguin Pride
- Rock-A-Thon – benefiting the Lighthouse Shelter
- Highway Clean-Up
- Missouri Valley Community Action Agency
- Camp Quality
- Lighthouse Shelter
- Motor Mania
Interfraternity Council (IFC) Chapters
Alpha Sigma Phi
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
The Missouri Valley College Alpha Omicron Chapter was founded on June 2, 1945.
To Better the World through Better Men.
To Better the Man, through the creation and perpetuation of brotherhood founded upon the values of character: Silence, Charity, Purity, Honor, Patriotism.
Black, Stone and Cardinal
The official symbol is the Phoenix.
- Homes for Troops
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Ronald McDonald House Charities
- The Humane Society
- Rainn
To Better the Man
Volunteer Opportunities
- Highway Clean-Up
- Marshall Quilt Guild
- Ronald McDonald House Charities
- Animal Shelter
- Homes for Troops
- Tape A Sig – to raise funds for the Progeria Foundation.