Tradition Meets Opportunity: MVC Launching New Online Degree Initiative

March 23, 2023
Missouri Valley College

Missouri Valley College is investing heavily into online education and has more than quadrupled the number of programs it is offering.

President Bonnie Humphrey and President-Elect Joe Parisi say the college has added 13 online degree programs, ranging from Business Administration to Economics and Elementary Education. Other degrees offered online include Agribusiness, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Finance, Marketing, Nursing, and Sports Management, in addition to Master’s in Educational Administration and Nursing.

To accommodate the first phase of the new online push, Missouri Valley College will begin offering its online programs in eight-week terms, something Parisi says is “a must in today’s environment.

“Online students want to know how much it costs and how quickly they can get it,” Parisi said. “We’ve got to deliver multiple start times to meet their needs.”

Another big change is the addition of Dr. Joe Alsobrook to lead the online initiative. The new Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Online Operations was introduced to the campus in late January. Alsobrook has worked with “lightning speed,” Humphrey said, to add the new programs and position Missouri Valley well in the competitive online environment.

The online team at Missouri Valley College already has developed a slogan for the initiative – Tradition Meets Opportunity. Parisi said the slogan is a perfect match for tradition-rich MVC. 

Alsobrook, who directed successful online programs at other colleges, said Missouri Valley College is undertaking many other strategic endeavors to support the online initiative, including digital advertising and numerous website changes and upgrades.

To review Missouri Valley’s College’s online degree options, visit

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