Ribbon Is Cut On New Nursing, Health Sciences Building

August 12, 2024
Missouri Valley College

More than 200 community leaders, alumni, faculty, staff and students gathered Friday, Aug. 9 to celebrate the ribbon cutting of Missouri Valley College’s Julie Ann Deems Julien School of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Special tribute was paid to Don and Tawnya Julien, who provided the lead gift in memory of wife and mother, Julie. Tawnya Julien spoke on behalf of her father, and said the building was a fitting legacy. She expressed gratitude that the building will be a benefit to the entire community.

Missouri Valley College President Joe Parisi said the 17,000 square foot building was more than a beautiful structure, but a hub for “learning and dreaming …that adds so much to our campus culture.”

Parisi also recognized Angela Littrell, President and CEO of Fitzgibbon Hospital in Marshall, for providing a home to the nursing school for many years. He said Fitzgibbon is a wonderful community partner and a key asset to the MVC nursing program. He also recognized many other foundations, donors, and partners.

Other speakers included MVC Board of Trustees Chairman Matt Huston, Assistant Professor Deanna Donnell, and nursing graduate Christina Bursano.

The building is open for business and will host its first official class on August 26.

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