Parisi Takes Reins as Missouri Valley’s 14th President

June 14, 2023
Missouri Valley College

The 14th President of Missouri Valley College, Dr. Joseph A. Parisi, was installed Saturday evening during the annual MVC President’s Society Gala on campus.

Incoming Chairman of the Board of Trustees Matt Huston conducted the installation ceremony, presenting Parisi with the President’s Medallion, which the college’s new leader will wear during all of MVC’s formal academic ceremonies.

Parisi was surrounded by immediate family and friends at the gala, along with Missouri Valley’s top donors.

“Buckle up,” Parisi told the gathering in MVC’s Malcolm Center as he discussed some of his projects and plans for the future. “I don’t let a lot of grass grow under my feet. We’ve got a lot to do.”

Parisi succeeds Dr. Bonnie Humphrey, who recently retired. He has worked alongside Dr. Humphrey since early January as President-Elect, until Saturday’s installation.

As only the second MVC president from the alumni ranks and the first in nearly 100 years, Parisi brings a breadth of higher education experience to Missouri Valley, having served as vice president for enrollment management and athletics at two different universities. Both of those schools broke enrollment records under his leadership.

He is experienced in the intricacies of financial aid and student development, and he is an active fund-raiser and brand strategist. He has also spent a significant amount of time in the classroom, having been a faculty member at MVC and an assistant professor in the doctoral program at Lindenwood University.

Parisi is a high-energy individual who works hard and respects hard work. He and his wife, Brenda, have two daughters, Gia and Maleah. Gia will be a freshman at Missouri Valley in the fall.

Parisi said there will be a public installation ceremony this fall and a celebration involving faculty and students.

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