Maastricht Institute April 17-19 Features Impressive Speakers

April 11, 2023
Missouri Valley College

The 15th annual Maastricht Institute of Entrepreneurship at Missouri Valley College will take place April 17-19 in the Bacon Conference Center inside the Malcolm Center. The 2023 Institute is sponsored by Wood & Huston Bank.

This year’s speakers include: Mathew Gass, ’04, Central Region President of Burrell Behavioral Health; Felicia Hayes, owner of Live Your Best Life; Amy Knight, CEO of Proverbs Boutique; Daniel Peters, ’08, ’16, Senior Manager of Professional Services at Knowink; Brandon Lucas, owner/CEO of Fusion Technologies; Eric Aufricht, Head of Strategy, Marketing and Communications at Mercedes Pay; Liz Huff, Chef/Owner of Catalpa; and Charlique Rolle, ’12, Executive Director of Congo Square Theatre.

 The Maastricht Institute is named after the city of Maastricht, the Netherlands, and is an outgrowth of experiences and friendships among residents of Maastricht and several cities in the United States.

The goal of the Maastricht Institute is to foster an atmosphere of receptiveness and creativity toward comparative entrepreneurial processes. The Institute compares and contrasts the entrepreneurial business environment within the United States with that of other countries, highlighting domestic and international philosophies.

The Institute’s format includes lectures, seminars and round-table discussions.

For additional information on the 15th annual Maastricht Institute of Entrepreneurship, please visit