Emergency Response Lockdown Training Drill to Take Place on MVC Campus

November 16, 2022
Missouri Valley College

Missouri Valley College will conduct an emergency response lockdown training drill on the MVC campus on Wednesday, November 16 between 9 and 10 a.m.

During this training drill, the campus alert system sirens will sound followed by instructions for all those on the MVC campus. Text alert messages will be sent out to those who have signed up to receive them. Anyone on campus is asked to follow the instructions of the email and text alerts and to listen to the campus alert system. At the end of the exercise, the alert system will say “Attention! All warnings for the Missouri Valley College campus have now expired,” followed by Westminster Chimes.

In the event that an actual emergency occurs during the drill, all alert systems will notify the campus.

Anyone who would like to register to receive MVC campus emergency alerts via text message may do so at https://www.getrave.com/login/moval.

The College’s crisis response plan can be found at www.moval.edu/student-life/safety-security/#clery. Contact Dr. Heath Morgan, MVC vice president of student affairs, at 660-831-4087 or at morganh@moval.edu for more information.