Campus Experiences Record Spring Enrollment

February 5, 2025
Missouri Valley College

Missouri Valley College is celebrating its best spring enrollment period in history — a 13 percent increase over last spring.

Admissions Director Derek Bohnsack said MVC had 1,381 students enrolled this spring, compared to 1,209 at the same time last year.

Bohnsack said such an increase is rare in today’s higher education climate, and is a testament to Valley’s investment in campus improvements and degree programs.

“I give credit to our great admissions staff and our coaches,” Bohnsack said. “They are getting it done every day. And we have to acknowledge the wonderful work of our faculty, who build relationships and help students reach their goals.”

Missouri Valley saw a 14 percent increase in its new student population in the fall, with a record 709 students arriving in August.

Dr. Joe Parisi, MVC President, said the record term over term results stem from connecting with students and families who are seeking academic and career pursuits but also desire “a community where a values-driven degree combined with a culture of care is evidenced daily.

“I am so proud of this amazing community that continues to out perform national trends,” Parisi continued. “This is a true testimony to the hard work of our faculty and staff. Valley is Rolling.”

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