Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

PURPOSE: As mandated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)  Safeguards Rule, Missouri Valley College must develop and maintain an Information Security Program  (ISP) to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of customer information. Customer information  in this context includes any nonpublic personally identifiable financial information obtained in connection with a financial product or service, such as student loans (16 C.F.R. 314.3(b)).

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) or their delegate coordinates the ISP for the College. Each college or  major administrative unit that handles or maintains customer information must have processes and  procedures to:

(a) Identify and assess reasonably foreseeable internal and external risks to the security,  confidentiality, and integrity of customer data that could result in the unauthorized disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction or other compromise of such information, and assess the sufficiency of safeguards;

(b) Design, implement, test and monitor administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to control the identified risks;

(c) Oversee service providers; and

(d) Evaluate and adjust processes and procedures at least annually, reporting back to the Chief Information Security Officer.

The Compliance Guidance Template must be completed and maintained on file by colleges and  major administrative units that must comply with Missouri Valley College’s Information Security Program.

College or Major Administrative Unit:  

  • Contact Email Address: 
  • Date: 10/8/2024  

Describe activities in your college or administrative unit that involve customer information  subject to the Safeguards Rule.  

  • Financial Aid administration collects and maintain aid forms, FAFSA forms and associated  documentation such as tax forms.

Describe internal and external risks that could jeopardize the security, confidentiality, and  integrity of customer information in your care that could result in the unauthorized disclosure,  misuse, alteration, destruction or other compromise of such information. Assess the sufficiency of the administrative, technical, and physical safeguards against those risks, including how the  effectiveness of the safeguards’ key controls, systems, and procedures are regularly tested or monitored. Include risks and safeguard assessments in the following three areas of operation  and in other areas as applicable.  

Employee training and other administrative safeguards:

  • Risk: Employees and management must understand and follow College policies and practices in order to protect customer information from external or internal risks.
  • Safeguard: All new employees complete training within the first two months of employment. Sufficient tracking mechanisms are in place to notify managers if a new employee has not completed the required modules.

Technical and Physical safeguards of the Information systems:

  • Risk: A risk exists if an employee downloads customer data to a laptop to work at home without following current policies.
  • Safeguard: We are instituting additional training to ensure that employees follow proper protocols.

Detecting, preventing and responding to attacks against College systems:  

  • Risk: Systems must be monitored and tested to ensure customer data is protected from internal or external compromise.
  • Safeguard: Current ITS practices include firewalls, anti-virus protection, and activity logs sufficient to control risks. Anomalies in logs are reviewed in order to detect possible security issues.

Risks and safeguards in other areas of operations:  

  • When the last person leaves certain department and there’s no personnel, the offices area doors are properly locked.

Methods used to monitor and test the effectiveness of these safeguards:  

  • Operations department members lock and unlock buildings following schedules. From the ITS side only, privileged accounts (super admins and admins) are utilized when needed. Added to that; software alerts are configured to inform ITS administrators about direct cyber-attacks.

If any safeguards assessed above are found to be insufficient to manage the risk, explain the  additional administrative, technical and physical safeguards that are needed to manage those risks and  how you intend to design, implement and regularly monitor and test the effectiveness of these  safeguards.  

Administrative Safeguards:  

  • Background checks are conducted before hiring employees who will have access to certain customer information.
  • All new employees sign an agreement to follow College data handling policies and practices.

Technical Safeguards:  

  • Employees with access to customer information must use strong passwords that must be  changed on a regular basis.
  • Customer information is protected in transit through a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or other  secure connection.
  • Follow College ITS policies and procedures regarding data protection.
  • Firewalls, anti-virus solutions, and patch management are maintained by ITS.
  • Systems lock after a period of inactivity and screensaver passwords are required for an inactive  system.

Physical Safeguards:  

  • Paper records with customer information are stored in a locked cabinet when unattended. Servers that contain customer information are stored in physically-secure areas. Follow College policies and procedures regarding data retention and destruction. Data center environments are secure areas with limited access to those with a need to access the area.

Methods used to monitor and test the effectiveness of these safeguards:

  • ITS has methods in place to regularly monitor and test network security.

Third Party Service Providers  

  • Under the Safeguards Rule the College must select and retain only those service providers that maintain appropriate safeguards for customer information as established by the College’s Information Security  Program. In addition, the College must contractually require service providers to implement and maintain such safeguards. Currently this requirement is managed by Purchasing, who will work with the Office of  General Counsel to include appropriate contract language.

Complete the following:  

  • __ We do not use service providers in connection with accounts covered by the Safeguards Rule.
    • Or:  
  • _X_ We use service providers in connection with accounts covered by the Safeguards Rule.
    • And one of the following:  
  • _X_ All service providers are contractually bound to safeguard data in covered accounts.
    • Or:  
  • __Not all service providers are contractually bound to safeguard data in covered accounts. If this  box is checked, use the box below to describe the situation and how you plan to comply with  this requirement.

Annual Information Security Program Review  

  • In an effort to maintain the effectiveness of Missouri Valley College’s Information Security Program,  colleges and major administrative units must review and submit this form to the Information Security Office on an annual basis or when a material changes or other circumstance occurs that may have a  material impact on safeguarding customer information in its care.

Updated: October 8th, 2024 by the office of the Chief Information Security Officer