Interdisciplinary studies is a degree program built around you and your life plan, allowing you to customize the curriculum for your degree to fit your unique needs.
Interdisciplinary Studies
Why a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Missouri Valley?
Interdisciplinary studies allows you to choose courses from areas of study that interest you–a personalized curriculum to fit your unique needs and goals.
Career Possibilities
Journalist/News Correspondent
Child Care Program Director
Youth Counselor
Research Assistant
Occupational Therapist
Graduate Program Possibilities
- Business Administration
- Education
Occupational Therapy
Interdisciplinary Studies Major
You can earn a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. Your advisor can help you decide which degree is right for you.
The major in Interdisciplinary Studies allows you to choose from two options in either the Completion or Self-Prescribed Track. Completing the Interdisciplinary Studies degree in the traditional classroom or online is dependent upon the areas of study that you select. Your advisor will help you plan an online or on-campus course of study that meets your interests and needs, including optimal use of your previously earned credits.
Completion Track
Option A: Earn 15 credit hours in three component areas, of which 9 credit hours in each component area must be upper division.
Option B: Earn 21 credit hours in one component area, of which 12 credit hours must be upper division. Additionally, earn 24 credit hours in another component area, of which 15 credit hours must be upper division.
Self-Prescribed Track
Option A: Earn 15 credit hours in three component areas, of which 9 credit hours in each component area must be upper division. Two capstone courses (4 credit hours) are also required.
Option B: Earn 21 credit hours in one component area, of which 12 credit hours must be upper division. Additionally, earn 24 credit hours in another component area, of which 15 credit hours must be upper division. Two capstone courses (4 credit hours) are also required.
Component Areas
Component areas to complete both tracks to the Interdisciplinary Studies degree include arts, business, communications, computer science, education, humanities, math, nonprofit management, nursing/allied health, physical education, science, and social sciences.
► See the academic catalog for specific major and minor course requirements and descriptions.
Admissions & Financial Aid
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