Missouri Valley College’s rich history began with leaders of the Presbyterian Church who founded the college in 1889 on principles of faith. Today, faith remains a cornerstone of MVC’s values-based education. The Stewart Chapel shines as a beacon for MVC’s commitment to fostering students’ spiritual growth. Nondenominational services are held weekly in the chapel, but so are many other moments for fellowship. The Chaplain and the Student Life Office offer nondenominational services, and are happy to assist with coordination of requests for Catholic Mass, Jewish Shabbat, and other faith-based services. In addition, the Chaplain is beginning discussions on the possibility of hosting Missouri Valley’s first interfaith dinner on campus. With MVC family members representing all 50 states, 56 countries and an array of faiths and backgrounds, the college is dedicated to supporting the religious life of all students.
Sunday Scripture
Sunday Scriptures are a great way to stop, re-center, and re-group each week as life gets busier and busier. Scripture brings hope, perspective, and can challenge us as well. This is also a way to encourage you as life gets hard and to stay strong in your faith. This is just another way to encourage the MOVAL community wherever you go and reflects our values of God, Family and Country.
Clubs & Organizations
Clubs & Organizations
Missouri Valley College has a vibrant network of nearly 30 clubs and organizations, which are vital to the campus life experience. They offer a chance to enrich leadership skills, social life and personal growth.
Student Success
Student Success
Our Student Success office offers academic advising and counseling and is pivotal for students building their path to academic success.
Family Weekend offers the opportunity for parents and siblings to visit campus and see how their loved one is adjusting to life on the Missouri Valley College campus.
Career Fair
Career Fair
Career advising and career preparation are key elements to the college’s Viking Voyage program, beginning with the end in mind. Our focus is not only on graduation, but internships experiential learning and industry recognized professional certifications.
Security and Safety
Security and Safety
The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority, and the department of public safety offers 24-hour protection seven days a week. Our public safety officers are sworn police officers through the Marshall Police Department.
Veterans of the armed forces deserve respect and honor, and Missouri Valley College is committed to recognizing them and involving them in our campus life. Veterans and active military all were involved in Missouri Valley’s most recent convocation and installation ceremony.